photojournalism (n.)
"新闻中使用照片来讲述故事",1944年,源自 photo- 和 journalism。相关词汇: Photojournalist。
最早记录年份: 1944
photojournalism 的相关词汇
journalism (n.)
"新闻业,编辑或出版报纸或公共期刊",始于1821年,最初被视为英语中的法语词汇,源自法语 journalisme(1781),源自 journal “每日出版物”(参见 journal); 比较 journalist。
Where men are insulated they are easily oppressed; when roads become good, and intercourse is easy, their force is increased more than a hundred fold: when, without personal communication, their opinions can be interchanged, and the people thus become one mass, breathing one breath and one spirit, their might increases in a ratio of which it is difficult to find the measure or the limit. Journalism does this office .... ["New Monthly Magazine," London, 1831]
当人们孤立无援时,他们很容易受到压迫; 当道路变得良好,交往变得容易时,他们的力量增加了一百倍以上:当在没有个人交流的情况下,他们的意见可以交换,人们因此成为一个呼吸同一气息和精神的整体,他们的力量增加的比例很难找到度量或限制。新闻业就是这样的工作.... ["新月刊",伦敦,1831年]
[Géo] London was in western France covering the trial of a parricide that began in mid-afternoon. Because he had an early deadline, he telephoned a story that he was certain would take place: an angry crowd cursing the accused as he was marched to the courthouse from his holding cell at the police station. London then relaxed over lunch until he saw with dismay the guards and the prisoner coming but "not even the shadow of a gawker." His reputation at stake, he stalked to the door, cried out, "Kill him!" and returned to his table. [Benjamin F. Martin, "France in 1938"]
“光”、“摄影”或“光电”的词缀,源自希腊语 photo-,是 phōs(属格 phōtos)的组合形式,意为“光”(源自 PIE 词根 *bha-(1)“发光”)。