"一篇短篇小说或长篇短故事",1901年,源自意大利语; 参见 novel(小说)。
It is not quite so clear as to when and where a piece of fiction ceases to be a novella and becomes a novel. The frontiers are so vague that one is obliged to recognize a middle species, or rather a middle magnitude, which paradoxically, but necessarily enough, we call the novelette. [W.D. Howells, "Some Anomalies of the Short Story," The North American Review, vol. CLXXIII, August, 1901]
小说和中篇小说的区分并不十分明确。这两者之间的界限非常模糊,以至于我们不得不承认存在一种中间类型,或者更确切地说,一种中等大小的类型,具有矛盾性,但却必然存在,我们称之为“novelette”。[W.D.豪威尔斯,“短篇小说的一些异常”,《北美评论》,第 CLXXIII 卷,1901年8月]
最早记录年份: 1901