nidification (n.)
"筑巢,构筑巢穴的行为或艺术",1650年代,源自拉丁语 nidificatus,是 nidificare 的过去分词,来自 nidus "一个巢"(参见 nest(n.))+ -ficare,即 facere 的组合形式,意为"制造",来自 PIE 词根 *dhe- "放置,放置"。相关: Nidify "筑巢"(1650年代)。
nidification 的相关词汇
它构成以下词汇的全部或部分: abdomen; abscond; affair; affect(第一动词)“在心中留下印象”; affect(第二动词)“假装”; affection; amplify; anathema; antithesis; apothecary; artifact; artifice; beatific; benefice; beneficence; beneficial; benefit; bibliothec; bodega; boutique; certify; chafe; chauffeur; comfit; condiment; confection; confetti; counterfeit; deed; deem; deface; defeasance; defeat; defect; deficient; difficulty; dignify; discomfit; do(动词); doom; -dom; duma; edifice; edify; efface; effect; efficacious; efficient; epithet; facade; face; facet; facial; -facient; facile; facilitate; facsimile; fact; faction(名词1)“政党”; -faction; factitious; factitive; factor; factory; factotum; faculty; fashion; feasible; feat; feature; feckless; fetish; -fic; fordo; forfeit; -fy; gratify; hacienda; hypothecate; hypothesis; incondite; indeed; infect; justify; malefactor; malfeasance; manufacture; metathesis; misfeasance; modify; mollify; multifarious; notify; nullify; office; officinal; omnifarious; orifice; parenthesis; perfect; petrify; pluperfect; pontifex; prefect; prima facie; proficient; profit; prosthesis; prothesis; purdah; putrefy; qualify; rarefy; recondite; rectify; refectory; sacrifice; salmagundi; samadhi; satisfy; sconce; suffice; sufficient; surface; surfeit; synthesis; tay; ticking(名词); theco-; thematic; theme; thesis; verify。
它是以下词汇的假定来源/其存在的证据为:梵语 dadhati “放置,安排”; 阿维斯塔语 dadaiti “他放置”; 古波斯语 ada “他制造”; 赫梯语 dai- “放置”; 希腊语 tithenai “放置,设置,安置”; 拉丁语 facere “做,干; 执行; 带来”; 立陶宛语 dėti “放置”; 波兰语 dziać się “正在发生”; 俄语 delat' “做”; 古高地德语 tuon,德语 tun,古英语 don “做”。
"鸟或家禽用于保温和育雏的建筑物",古英语中称为“nest”、“小巢, 温馨的庇护所”,也表示“小鸟,窝”,源自原始日耳曼语的“*nistaz”(同源于中低德语,中古荷兰语 nest,德语 Nest,但在斯堪的纳维亚或哥特语中未发现),来自于源自原始印欧语言的“*nizdo-”(源自梵语“nidah”的“栖息处,窝”,拉丁语的“nidus”,旧教会斯拉夫语的“gnezdo”,旧爱尔兰语的“net”,威尔士语的“nyth”,布列塔尼语的“nez”的“巢”),可能源自于原始印欧语言的“*ni”的“绒毛”,加上原始印欧根源“*sed-”(1)的“坐”的意思。
从公元1200年开始用于动物或昆虫。自中古英语以来用来指代各种物品的积累,特别是指逐渐减小的物品堆叠在一起的情况(例如 nest of drawers,早在18世纪)。Nest egg “退休储蓄”来自于1700年; 最初它是指放置在窝里的真实或人造鸟蛋,以诱使母鸡继续在那里产蛋(nest ei,早在14世纪),因此,“something laid up as the beginning of a continued growth”(“作为持续增长的开端而存储的东西”)。
它构成或部分构成以下单词: assess; assiduous; assiento; assize; banshee; beset; cathedra; cathedral; chair; cosset; dissident; dodecahedron; Eisteddfod; ephedra; ephedrine; ersatz; icosahedron; inset; insidious; nest; niche; nick(n.)“凹槽,槽口,裂缝”; nidicolous; nidification; nidus; obsess; octahedron; piezo-; piezoelectric; polyhedron; possess; preside; reside; saddle; sanhedrim; seance; seat; sedan; sedate; (adj.)“平静的,安静的”; sedative; sedentary; sederunt; sediment; see(n.)“主教,大主教或教皇的宝座”; sessile; session; set(v.); sett; settle(n.); settle(v.); siege; sit; sitz-bath; sitzkrieg; size; soil(n.1)“土地,泥土”; Somerset; soot; subside; subsidy; supersede; surcease; tanist; tetrahedron; Upanishad。
它是假设的来源/其存在的证据由以下单词提供:梵语 a-sadat “坐下”, sidati “坐”, nidah “休息的地方,巢”; 古波斯语 hadis “住所”; 希腊语 ezesthai “坐”, hedra “座位,椅子,几何固体的面”; 拉丁语 sedere “坐; 占据官方席位,主持; 静坐,保持; 固定或安定”, nidus “巢”; 古爱尔兰语 suide “座位,坐着”, net “巢”; 威尔士语 sedd “座位”, eistedd “坐着”, nyth “巢”; 古斯拉夫语 sežda, sedeti “坐”, sedlo “鞍座”, gnezdo “巢”; 立陶宛语 sėdėti “坐”; 俄语 sad “花园”,立陶宛语 sodinti “种植”; 哥特语 sitan,古英语 sittan “坐”。