mughal 的相关词汇
mogul (n.1)
"强有力的人",1670年代,源自 Great Mogul(1580年代),这是欧洲人对1520年代征服印度的蒙古皇帝的普遍称呼,源自波斯语和阿拉伯语 mughal, mughul,改编自亚洲民族 Mongol(见该词条)。1742年,作为扑克牌最好品质的名称,因其背面的设计而被称为 Great Mogul。
A Motion was made on behalf of the plaintiff for an injunction to restrain the defendant from making use of the Great Mogul as a stamp upon his cards, to the prejudice of the plaintiff, upon a suggestion, that the plaintiff had the sole right to this stamp, having appropriated it to himself, conformable to the charter granted to the card-makers' company by King Charles the First [Blanchard versus Hill, High Court of Chancery, Dec. 18, 1742]
原告代表提出了一项动议,要求禁止被告在他的纸牌上使用 Great Mogul 作为邮戳,以损害原告的利益,理由是原告拥有这个邮戳的独家权利,符合查理一世国王授予纸牌制造商公司的特许状 [Blanchard versus Hill, 大法院,1742年12月18日]