merkin (n.)
"女性阴部",1650年代(早期 mawkine,1530年代),显然是 malkin 的变体,意为“拖把”。意思是“人造阴道或‘女性私处的假发’”[Grose],可追溯到1610年代。根据《身体牛津伴侣》的说法,戴美尔金斯的习惯始于15世纪中期,与妓女有关,旨在掩盖阴毛的缺乏,这要么是为了消灭体虱而剃掉的,要么是梅毒的结果。
This put a strange Whim in his Head; which was, to get the hairy circle of [a prostitute's] Merkin .... This he dry'd well, and comb'd out, and then return'd to the Cardinall, telling him, he had brought St. Peter's Beard. [Alexander Smith, "A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the most notorious Highwaymen," 1714]
最早记录年份: 1650s