

词汇 memorial day

Memorial Day

"纪念日",1819年开始用于任何周年纪念日,尤其是宗教纪念日; 参见 memorial(形容词)。作为一个特定的五月底纪念美国战争死亡者的节日,它在19世纪60年代末非正式地开始纪念内战中阵亡的北方士兵。1869年,它被退伍军人组织正式称为这样的节日,但 Decoration Day 也被使用。北方主要的退伍军人组织大陆军在1882年的决议中正式将其指定为纪念日:

That the Commander-in-Chief be requested to issue a General Order calling the attention of the officers and members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and of the people at large, to the fact that the proper designation of May 30th is Memorial Day and to request that it may be always so called. [Grand Army Blue Book, Philadelphia, 1884]


The word "Memorial" was adopted by the Maryland Confederates shortly after the war, and has been generally used throughout the South. It is distinctively Confederate in its origin and use, and I would suggest to all Confederate societies to adhere to it. The Federals' annual day of observance is known as "Decoration Day," having been made so by an act of Congress, and the 30th day of May named as the date. In Maryland there is annually a Decoration Day and a Memorial Day. The two words are expressive not only of the nature of the observance, but also of the people who participate therein. [Confederate Veteran, November 1893]
最早记录年份: 1819






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