1913年(形容词); 1937年(名词),美国英语,“忙碌的工作,没有价值的活动”,源于动词表达式 to make work(见 make(v.)+ work(n.))。
A big fire devoured a street; "It will make work," I heard my father say; a ship was lost at sea laden with silk, and leather, and cloth; "It will make work," said my father; a reservoir broke jail, and swept the heart of the town away. "It will make work," my mother said; so all human calamities were softened blessings to me; they made "work," and work made wages, and wages made bread and potatoes, and clothes for me. ["The Radical Review," Chicago, Sept. 15, 1883]
一场大火吞噬了一条街道; “这会让人忙起来,”我听到我父亲说; 一艘装满丝绸、皮革和布料的船在海上失踪了; “这会让人忙起来,”我父亲说; 一个水库坍塌了,冲走了城镇的中心。“这会让人忙起来,”我母亲说; 所以所有的人类灾难对我来说都是柔和的祝福; 它们让人“忙起来”,而工作带来了工资,工资带来了面包和土豆,还有衣服。[“The Radical Review”,芝加哥,1883年9月15日]
最早记录年份: 1913