idealist (n.)
“把事物呈现为理想形式的人”,1829年源自 ideal + -ist 。早在1796年,曾在哲学意义上指“认为现实仅存在于(柏拉图式的)理念中的人”(参见 idealism )。
It seems even incredible, that any Idealist in any age could forget himself so far as to run his head against a post, merely because he found in his system, that no external world does exist, and that therefore nothing could be without to hurt him. [F.A. Nitsch, "A General and Introductory View of Professor Kant's Principles," 1796]
甚至令人难以置信的是,任何一个唯心主义者在任何一个时代都会忘记自己,以至于跑去 his head against a post,仅仅是因为他在自己的体系中发现,没有外部世界存在,因此没有任何东西能够对他造成伤害。[F.A.Nitsch,“康德教授的原理一般和介绍性观点的看法”,1796]
最早记录年份: 1829