hyperalgesia (n.)
"对疼痛异常敏感",1854年,来自 hyper- "过度,极度" + 结尾可能基于 analgesia。相关: Hyperalgesic。
Hyperaesthesia, then, is the peculiar state in which the absolute sensibility is increased—the minimum of stimulation needed to excite perception being less than normal. Hyperalgesia is where stimuli which normally cause only a slight sensation give rise to pain in consequence of the lowering of the pain minimum. [The Medical Record, April 1, 1867]
Hyperaesthesia,是一种特殊状态,其中绝对敏感度增加,激发感知所需的最小刺激低于正常水平。 Hyperalgesia 是指通常只会引起轻微感觉的刺激由于疼痛最小值降低而引起疼痛。[《医学记录》,1867年4月1日]
最早记录年份: 1854