hashish (n.)
同样的, hasheesh,1590年代,源自阿拉伯语的 hashīsh “粉状大麻,大麻”,其本意为“草本植物,干草,粗草”。
Its earliest record as a nickname for cannabis drug is in 13th century Arabic. Its earliest in English is in a traveller's report from Egypt in 1598. It is rare in English until the 19th century. The wordform in English today dates from the early 19th century. The word entered all the bigger Western European languages in the early to mid 19th century if you don't count occasional mentions in travellers' reports before then. ["English Words of Arabic Ancestry"]
它最早被记录为13世纪阿拉伯文中指代大麻的绰号。它在英语中最早出现在一份1598年埃及旅行者的报告中。在19世纪之前,在英语中的使用不常见。今天的英语单词形式可以追溯到19世纪初。如果不计算此前旅行者报告中的偶尔提及,这个词在19世纪初至中期已进入所有大的西欧语言中。[“Arabic Ancestry 的英语单词”]
最早记录年份: 1590s