grapeshot (n.)
也称为 grape-shot,1747年,由 grape 和 shot(名词)组成。因其外观而得名。最初只是简单的 grape(1680年代),是一个集体名词。whiff of grapeshot 在1837年开始在英语中流行起来,源自卡莱尔的《法国革命史》(书中是一个章节标题)。这似乎是他的观点。
The Nobles of France, valorous, chivalrous as of old, will rally round us with one heart;—and as for this which you call Third Estate, and which we call canaille of unwashed Sansculottes, of Patelins, Scribblers, factious Spouters,—brave Broglie, "with a whiff of grapeshot (salve de canons)," if need be, will give quick account of it. [Carlyle, "French Revolution"]
法国的贵族,勇敢而骑士般的,将以一个心脏团结在我们周围; 至于你们所称之为第三等级,我们称之为 canaille 的未洗净的无裤者、Patelins、Scribblers 和 factious Spouters,勇敢的布罗格利,"如果需要,将迅速解决它(salve de canons)"。[卡莱尔,《法国革命史》]
最早记录年份: 1747