geosphere (n.)
1885年,来自 geo- “地球”,可能是以 atmosphere 为模型。
最早记录年份: 1885
geosphere 的相关词汇
atmosphere (n.)
1630年代, atmosphaera(现代形式来自1670年代),意为“地球周围的气态包层”,源自现代拉丁语 atmosphaera,来自于希腊语 atmos 的“蒸汽,水汽”(参见 atmo-)以及 sphaira 的“球”(参见 sphere)。在旧时期的科学中,“蒸气空气”,被认为是地球的一部分,而且是下半部分 air (名词1)的污染物。
Þe ouer partye of þe eyr is pure and clene, clere, esy & softe, ffor mevynge of stormys, of wynde and of wedir may nat reche þerto; and so it perteyneþ to heuenlych kynde. And þe neþir partye is nyʒe to þe spere of watir and of erþe, and is troubly, greet and þicke, corpulent and ful of moyst erþy vapoures, as longiþ to erþy partyes. Þe eyr strecchiþ hym kyndely al aboute fro þe ouer partye of þe erþe and of watir anon to þe spere of fire. [Bartholomew Glanville, "De proprietatibus rerum," c. 1240, translated by John of Trevisa c. 1398 ]
空气的上层是纯净、干净、清晰、柔和的,暴风雨、风和天气的运动不会到达那里; 因此属于天国的性质。空气的下层靠近水和土之球,是混乱的,巨大的,厚实的、肥厚的,充满湿润的土壤蒸汽,属于地球层。空气从地球和水的上部自然而然地伸展开来,一直延伸到火球之间。 [Bartholomew Glanville,《"De proprietatibus rerum,"》,约1240年,由 John of Trevisa 翻译于约1398年]
'Tis Observed, in the Solary Eclipses, that there is some times a great Trepidation about the Body of the Moon, from which we may likewise argue an Atmo-sphaera, since we cannot well conceive what so probable a cause there should be of such an appearance as this, Quod radii Solares a vaporibus Lunam ambientibus fuerint intercisi, that the Sun-beams were broken and refracted by the Vapours that encompassed the Moon. [Rev. John Wilkins, "Discovery of New World or Discourse tending to prove that it probable there may be another World in the Moon," 1638]
在太阳食发生时被观察到,月球的身体有时会有很大的颤动,此时我们可以通过“大气层”来推断一个可能的结论,因为我们很难想象会有一个更可能的原因来解释这种出现的情况,即,太阳的光线被包围月球的水汽折射。[约翰·威尔金斯牧师,《Quod radii Solares a vaporibus Lunam ambientibus fuerint intercisi》,“新世界的发现或论文趋势证明可能会在月球上有另一个世界”,1638年]
这个词缀的意思是“地球,地球”,最终源自希腊语 geo-, 集合了雅典和伊奥尼亚的 gē “地球,土地,一个土地或国家”(参见 Gaia)。