flamen (n.)
"古罗马祭司",1530年代,源自拉丁语 flamen "一位神的祭司",其起源不明,可能来自 PIE 词根 *bhlad- "崇拜"(源自哥特语 blotan,古英语 blotan "献祭")。早在14世纪初,仿效蒙茅斯的杰弗里,也用于指古代基督教前的英国祭司。相关: Flamineous。
The old connection of flamen with Skt. brahman- is highly problematic, and has been dismissed by Schrijver. As WH surmise, the ending -en points to an archaism, probably a n[euter] noun "sacrificial act" which changed its semantics to 'priest'; for a similar shift, cf. augur "bird-observer" .... The only viable comparanda are found in [Germanic], but they show root-final (or suffixal) *-d~. [de Vaan]
flamen 与梵文 brahman- 的旧联系存在很大问题,并已被 Schrijver 驳回。正如 WH 所猜测的那样,结尾 -en 指向一种古语,可能是一个中性名词“祭祀行为”,其语义转变为“祭司”; 对于类似的转变,参见 augur “观鸟者”....唯一可行的比较对象在[日耳曼语系]中发现,但它们显示出根词末尾(或后缀)*-d~。[de Vaan]
最早记录年份: 1530s