fawney (n.)
"finger-ring," 1781,口语,源自爱尔兰语 fainne “戒指”。
最早记录年份: 1781
fawney 的相关词汇
phony (adj.)
"Not genuine" 也即 phoney,起源于1899年,可能是由于 fawney 的改编,后者指的是"诈骗者使用的镀金黄铜戒指"。
His most successful swindle was selling "painted" or "phony" diamonds. He had a plan of taking cheap stones, and by "doctoring" them make them have a brilliant and high class appearance. His confederates would then take the diamonds to other pawnbrokers and dispose of them. ["The Jewelers Review," New York, April 5, 1899]