empathetic (adj.)
1909年,根据 empathy 的模式,据说最初是为了与 empathic 区分开来。1918年,《异常心理学杂志》(第13卷)中的一篇文章强烈推荐 empathic :
Sympathetic, the adjective, seems to have built up—so philologists say—on the analogy of pathetic: that is, sympathetic ought to be sympathic as indeed in some languages it becomes. And a little of the pathos of pathetic has usually clung to sympathetic. As for empathy, however, the adjective empathic seems to be more suitable than empathetic, if only because the latter would even more damagingly suggest pathos. [E.E. Southard]
形容词 Sympathetic 似乎是根据 pathetic 的类比建立起来的,即 sympathetic 应该是 sympathic,事实上在一些语言中确实如此。而 sympathetic 通常也带有一点 pathos 的意味。然而,对于共情来说,形容词 empathic 似乎比 empathetic 更合适,即使只是因为后者更容易暗示悲情。[E.E. Southard]
相关词汇: Empathetically。
最早记录年份: 1909