dogie (n.)
"母牛死了的小牛在一群牛中", 1887年,牛仔俚语,起源不明。它可能有一个更早、更具体的意义:
What is called a "dogie" is a scrub Texas yearling. Dogies are the tailings of a mixed herd of cattle which have failed of a ready sale while on the market. They are picked up finally by purchasers in search of cheap cattle; but investments in such stock are risky and have proven to be disastrous this winter. [The Breeder's Gazette, March 5, 1885]
所谓的“dogie”是一只瘦弱的德克萨斯州一岁小牛。Dogies 是一群混合牛群的尾巴,它们在市场上没有找到买家。最终被寻找廉价牛的购买者捡起; 但是这种股票的投资是有风险的,这个冬天已经证明是灾难性的。[《养殖者公报》,1885年3月5日]
最早记录年份: 1887