在公制系统中,这个词缀表示标准计量单位的十分之一,起源于1801年的法语 deci-,该词缀是从拉丁语 decimus “第十”的任意选择中得来的,源自 decem “十”(源自 PIE 词根 *dekm- “十”)。
deci- 的相关词汇
Proto-Indo-European 根词,意为“十”。
它构成了以下词语的全部或部分: cent; centenarian; centenary; centi-; centime; centurion; century; centennial; cinquecento; dean; deca-; decade; decagon; Decalogue; Decameron; decapod; decathlon; December; decennial; deci-; decile; decimal; decimate; decimation; decuple; decussate; denarius; denier(n.)“法国硬币”; dicker; dime; dinar; doyen; dozen; duodecimal; duodecimo; eighteen; fifteen; fourteen; hecatomb; hendeca-; hundred; icosahedron; nineteen; nonagenarian; octogenarian; Pentecost; percent; quattrocento; Septuagint; sexagenarian; seventeen; sixteen; ten; tenth; thirteen; thousand; tithe。
这是一个假设的词源,其存在的证据由以下语言提供:梵语 dasa,阿维斯塔语 dasa,亚美尼亚语 tasn,希腊语 deka,拉丁语 decem(西班牙语 diez,法语 dix 的来源),古教会斯拉夫语 deseti,立陶宛语 dešimt,古爱尔兰语 deich,布列塔尼语 dek,威尔士语 deg,阿尔巴尼亚语 djetu,古英语 ten,古高地德语 zehan,哥特语 taihun “十”。
1928年,源自 deci- 和 bel(名词)。
Progress in science and industry is constantly demanding new terms and one of the latest of these is the word "decibel," coined by telephone engineers to describe the efficiency of telephone circuits. It is a substitute for the phrase "transmission unit." The actual unit decided upon was first called "bel," after the inventor of the telephone. The bel, however, is larger than is needed in practice, and, therefore, a unit one-tenth as large was adopted by engineers and named the decibel. [Popular Mechanics, May 1929]
科学和工业的进步不断要求新术语,其中最新的一个是“分贝”一词,由电话工程师创造,用于描述电话电路的效率。它是“传输单位”这个短语的替代品。最初决定采用的实际单位被称为“贝尔”,以电话发明者的名字命名。然而,贝尔比实际需要的要大,因此工程师采用了一个比贝尔小十倍的单位,并将其命名为分贝。[Popular Mechanics,1929年5月]
"米制长度单位,相当于一米的十分之一,1809年,来自 deci- + meter(n.2)。