consubstantiation (n.)
"圣餐中的基督的身体和血液与圣餐元素共存的教义",来自1590年代的教会拉丁语 consubstantionem(主格 consubstantio),是 consubstantiare 的过去分词词干的动作名词,该词源于 com "与,一起"(见 con-)和 substantia "存在,本质,物质"(见 substance)。与天主教的 transubstantiation 教义相对。相关: Consubstantiate。
The term consubstantiation was employed in the doctrinal controversies of the Reformation by non-Lutheran writers, to designate the Lutheran view of the Saviour's presence in the Holy Supper. The Lutheran Church, however, has never used or accepted this term to express her view, but has always and repeatedly rejected it, and the meaning it conveys, in her official declarations. [Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: 1590s