congeries (n.)
"将多个物品集合成一个整体或聚集体",来自1610年代的拉丁语 congeries,意为"堆、堆积、聚集的物体",源自 congerere,意为"聚集、堆积",由 com(表示"一起、共同",见 con-)和 gerere(表示"携带、执行",见 gest)组成。虚假单数 congery 于1866年被证实。
Man should have some sense of responsibility to the human congeries. As a matter of observation, very few men have any such sense. No social order can exist very long unless a few, at least a few, men have such a sense. [Ezra Pound, "ABC of Economics," 1933]
人类应该对人类聚集体负有一定的责任感。事实上,很少有人有这样的意识。除非至少有一些人有这样的意识,否则任何社会秩序都无法长久存在。[埃兹拉·庞德,《经济学 ABC》,1933年]
最早记录年份: 1610s