coaster (n.)
1570年代,“沿海航行者”,尤其是在同一国家的港口之间进行贸易的人,是从 coast(v.)的意义“沿着某物的边缘或边界走”中派生出来的。从1680年代开始应用于进行这种航行的船只。
“桌面饮料垫”是用于保护木质桌面免受冷凝等影响的,这个意义在1913年已经使用,是从 bottle-coaster “用于放置酒瓶的低矮圆托盘”(1874年)扩展而来的; 它曾经有轮子,因此可能被称为“沿着桌子的边缘滑动到每个客人那里”的“滑行器”。
最早记录年份: 1570s
coaster 的相关词汇
coast (v.)
14世纪末,“绕过,沿着边缘走,沿着边界走”(如船只沿海岸线行驶),源自盎格鲁-法语 costien,源自法语 coast(名词)。
“下坡滑雪”的意思首次见于1834年的美国英语,是从名词借来的或者是一种新的发展。在骑自行车时,“脚离开踏板下坡”,始于1879年。对于机动车,“没有发动机的推力移动”,始于1896年; 比喻用法,指人“不费力气”,始于1934年。相关词汇: Coasted; coasting。
"Coasting" consists in throwing the legs up over the handles and allowing the bicycle to rush of its own impetus down hill. It can only be done with safety where the road is perfectly smooth, hard, and free from obstructions; but, under such conditions, bicycle coasting affords one of the most glorious and exhilarating of sensations, and, next to ballooning, its motion most nearly resembles the flight of a bird. [Harper's Weekly, Dec. 20, 1879]
“滑行”是指把腿抬起来放在把手上,让自行车靠自己的动力下坡。只有在路面完全平整、坚硬、没有障碍物的情况下才能安全地进行; 但是,在这种条件下,自行车滑行提供了一种最为壮观和令人振奋的感觉,其运动方式仅次于热气球,最接近鸟类的飞行方式。[《哈珀周刊》,1879年12月20日]
The reckless coasting down the long hills on the route was scarcely more defensible. Speeds of 25 to 30 miles an hour were reached in some instances. The common road is not the proper place for such exhibitions, especially in populous centres. The risk is altogether too great, both for occupants of the vehicle and for other frequenters of the highway. [account of an automobile race on the streets of New York in The Horseless Age, June 1896]
roller-coaster (n.)
“rollercoaster”和最初的“roller coaster”,大约在1884年出现,来源于“roller”和“coaster”。动词形式出现在1959年。
Men not yet very old can remember when the street railway was a curiosity, patronized at first very much as the roller coaster is now, for the novelty of the thing. [editorial in St. Paul Pioneer-Press, Aug. 17, 1884]
“不算很老的人们还能记得,最开始的时候,马车交通工具是件新奇事物,人们去坐车更多的是为了体验其中的新奇感。[St. Paul Pioneer-Press, Aug. 17, 1884的编辑社论]