client (n.)
14世纪晚期,“依靠他人庇护生活的人”,源自盎格鲁-法语 clyent(约1300年),源自拉丁语 clientem(主格 cliens)“追随者,随从”(与 clinare “倾斜,弯曲”有关),源自 PIE *klient-,是 *klei- “倾斜”的被动分词形式。显然,这个概念是“依靠他人保护的人”。在古罗马,平民在贵族的监护和保护下(在这种关系中,贵族被称为 patronus; 参见 patron),是贵族的客户。
“律师的客户”这个意思可以追溯到约1400年,到了约1600年,这个词被扩展到任何把特定利益放在另一个人的照顾和管理上的客户。相关词: Cliency。
The relation of client and patron between a plebeian and a patrician, although at first strictly voluntary, was hereditary, the former bearing the family name of the latter, and performing various services for him and his family both in peace and war, in return for advice and support in respect to private rights and interests. Foreigners in Rome, and even allied or subject states and cities, were often clients of Roman patricians selected by them as patrons. The number of a patrician's clients, as of a baron's vassals in the middle ages, was a gage his greatness. [Century Dictionary]
最早记录年份: late 14c.