clepsydra (n.)
“古希腊水钟”,1640年代,源自希腊语 klepsydra 的拉丁化形式,来自 kleptein 的词干“偷,隐藏”(见 kleptomania),加上 hydor “水”,来自 PIE 词根 *wed-(1)“水; 湿润”的后缀形式。
clepsydra 的相关词汇
还有 cleptomania,1830年,由 mania 和希腊词 kleptes “小偷,骗子”组成,源自 kleptein “偷窃,秘密行动”,源自 PIE *klep- “偷窃”(是根词 *kel- (1) “覆盖,隐藏,保存”的扩展); 与拉丁语 clepere “偷窃,偷听”,古普鲁士语 au-klipts “隐藏的”,古教会斯拉夫语 poklopu “覆盖,包装”,哥特语 hlifan “偷窃”, hliftus “小偷”同源。
There is a popular belief that some of the criminal laws under which the poor are rigorously punished are susceptible of remarkable elasticity when the peccadilloes of the rich are brought under judgment, and that there is some truth in the old adage which declares that "one man may steal a horse where another dare not look over the hedge." This unwholesome distrust is not likely to diminish if, in cases of criminal prosecutions where so-called respectable persons commit theft without sufficiently obvious motive for the act, they have their crime extenuated on the plea of kleptomania, as has recently occurred in several notable instances. ["Kleptomania," The Lancet, Nov. 16, 1861]
有一种普遍的观念,即一些严厉惩罚穷人的刑法在富人的过错受到审判时具有显著的弹性,而且有些人相信古老的格言“一个人可以偷马,而另一个人不敢越过篱笆看”。如果在刑事起诉案件中,所谓的体面人犯下偷窃行为,而行为的动机不够明显,他们的罪行被以盗窃癖为由减轻,这种不健康的不信任是不太可能减少的,正如最近发生在几个显著案例中的情况。["Kleptomania," The Lancet, Nov. 16, 1861]
原始印欧语根,意为“水; 潮湿”。
它构成或部分构成以下单词: abound; anhydrous; carbohydrate; clepsydra; dropsy; hydra; hydrangea; hydrant; hydrargyrum; hydrate; hydraulic; hydro-; hydrogen; hydrophobia; hydrous; Hydrus; inundate; inundation; kirsch-wasser; nutria; otter; redound; redundant; surround; undine; undulant; undulate; undulation; vodka; wash; water (n.1); wet; whiskey; winter。
它是假设的来源,其存在的证据由以下单词提供: watar(赫梯语), udrah(梵语), hydor(希腊语), voda(古教会斯拉夫语和俄语), vanduo(立陶宛语), wundan(古普鲁士语), uisge(盖尔语)“水”; unda(拉丁语)“波浪”; wæter(古英语), wazzar(古高地德语), wato(哥特语)“水”。
"机械或电子地测量和指示时间的机器"(自20世纪40年代末开始),14世纪末出现, clokke,最初指的是"带有钟声的时钟",可能源自中古荷兰语 clocke(荷兰语 klok)"一种时钟",来自古北法语 cloque(古法语 cloke,现代法语 cloche "钟声"),源自中世纪拉丁语 clocca "钟声",可能源自凯尔特语(类似于古爱尔兰语 clocc,威尔士语 cloch,曼岛语 clagg "钟声"),并由爱尔兰传教士传播(除非凯尔特语源自拉丁语)。最终的起源是模拟的。
Wherever it actually arose, it was prob. echoic, imitating the rattling made by the early handbells of sheet-iron and quadrilateral shape, rather than the ringing of the cast circular bells of later date. [OED]
取代了古英语 dægmæl,来自 dæg "日" + mæl "测量,标记"(参见 meal(n.1))。拉丁语单词是 horologium(法语 horologe,西班牙语 reloj,意大利语 oriolo, orologio 的来源); 希腊人使用了一种水钟(klepsydra,字面意思是"偷水者"; 参见 clepsydra)。
put(或 set)the clock back "回到早期的状态或制度"的形象出现于1862年。Round-the-clock(形容词)最早出现于1943年,最初指空袭。称某人为 face that would stop a clock "非常丑陋"的说法可以追溯到1886年(变体包括 break a mirror, kill chickens)。
I remember I remember
That boarding house forlorn,
The little window where the smell
Of hash came in the morn.
I mind the broken looking-glass,
The mattress like a rock,
The servant-girl from County Clare,
Whose face would stop a clock.
[... etc.; The Insurance Journal, January 1886]
[...等等; 《保险杂志》,1886年1月]