achieve (v.)
14世纪初, acheven,“执行,完成”; 14世纪晚期,“通过努力获得”,来自12世纪的古法语 achever,“完成,实现,完成”,来自短语 à chef (venir) “结束,完成”,或普通拉丁语 *accapare,来自晚期拉丁语 ad caput (venire); 法语和晚期拉丁语短语都字面意思是“到达顶点”,来自 ad “到”(见 ad-)+拉丁语 caput 的词干“头”(来自 PIE 词根 *kaput- “头”)。
The Lat. caput, towards the end of the Empire, and in Merov[ingian] times, took the sense of an end, whence the phrase ad caput venire, in the sense of to come to an end .... Venire ad caput naturally produced the Fr. phrase venir à chef = venir à bout. ... From this chief, O.Fr. form of chef (q.v.) in sense of term, end, comes the Fr. compd. achever = venir à chef, to end, finish. [Auguste Brachet, "An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language," transl. G.W. Kitchin, Oxford, 1878]
拉丁语 caput 在帝国末期和梅洛文革时期,取得了结束的意义,因此短语 ad caput venire 的意思是结束...... Venire ad caput 自然产生了法语短语 venir à chef = venir à bout......从这个意义上说, chief,即 chef 的古法语形式(参见 q.v.),意为术语,结束,形成了法语复合词 achever = venir à chef,结束,完成。[奥古斯特·布拉谢(Auguste Brachet),《法语语言词源学词典》,G.W. Kitchin 译,牛津,1878年]
相关: Achieved; achieving。
最早记录年份: early 14c.