catchy (adj.)
"having the quality of 'catching' in the mind," 1831年,源自 catch(v.)+ -y(2)。起初被认为是口语。相关词汇: Catchiness。
There is, also, by far too much of routine both in the selection of subjects, and in the mode of treating them, notwithstanding the oddity that is sometimes substituted for originality. Should this system be persevered in, there is great danger of every thing becoming forced and unnatural, and all other qualities sacrificed to a catchy, stage-like effect, both as regards subject, composition, and execution. ["The Suffolk Street Exhibit," in Fraser's Magazine, July, 1831]
此外,在选择主题和处理方式上,常常过于墨守成规,尽管有时会用奇怪的东西代替原创性。如果坚持这种系统,很容易导致一切变得勉强和不自然,所有其他品质都会被牺牲,以追求引人注目的舞台效果,无论是在主题、构图还是执行方面。["The Suffolk Street Exhibit," in Fraser's Magazine, July, 1831]
最早记录年份: 1831