

词汇 black hole
black hole. The infamous Black Hole of Calcutta gives its name to any black hole or cell in a prison where prisoners are confined as a punishment. The original black hole in this sense was the 18- by 14-foot room into which the French-supported Nawab of Bengal, Siraj Uddaula, thrust 146 British prisoners on the terribly hot night of June 20, 1756. The only ventilation in the room was two small air holes, and by the next morning 123 of the men had died. Robert Clive retook Calcutta the fol- lowing year and avenged the atrocity, but the story of the Black Hole was never forgotten. Several Indian writers have claimed it was a British hoax, perpetrated to rouse patriotic sentiments, but three witnesses testified to the story and none of the 23 sur- vivors ever denied it. In 1967 Princeton physicist John Wheeler used the term to describe “an object whose gravity is so power- ful that it swallows everything around it—even light.” Today black hole is part of everyday language, used to describe the economy, the deficit, the post office, etc.




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