

词汇 beaver
beaver.  Though extinct in En­gland, this aquatic rodent retains its En­glish name, which comes from the Old En­glish beofor. Books have been written about the beaver (Castor fiber), the largest and most ingenious of North American rodents. Valua- ble beaver pelts, used largely in felt hats, ­ were a great incite- ment to the exploration of the New World, and in the early 19th century hundreds of thousands of beavers ­were killed for their fur. Growing to a length of four feet and a weight of over 80 pounds, beavers are peaceful family animals devoted to their kittens and live in large towns or colonies. Their engineering skills in building dams and lodges are well known, and they have been observed building 1,000-­foot-­long canals to divert a stream into their pond or to reach a food source (usually the inner bark of trees). Beavers have “more engineering skill than the entire Army Corps of Enginers,” claimed one admirer in Civil War times. See eager beaver.




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