

词汇 loch
loch; Loch Ness monster; Champ. The familiar word loch for a lake or an arm of the sea similar to a fjord can be traced back to Old Irish hundreds of years ago. A small lake is called a lochen. The 24-mile-long Loch Ness in Scotland is probably the most famous loch, thanks to the fabled Loch Ness monster, a huge marine creature reportedly sighted as far back as the sixth century but never authenticated. Naturalist Sir Peter Scott named the monster Nessiteras rhombopteryx (“The diamond- finned Ness Monster”), giving it scientific status for a short while, but this turned out to be a prank, the words being an an- agram of “monster hoax by Sir Peter S.” “Nessie” has also been dubbed the Great Orm (from Scandinavian sjo-orm, “sea ser- pent”); the Worm; Loathly Worm; Eaeh Uesge (water horse); Water Bull; Hippotatam; Beiste; and the Water Kelpie. Ameri- ca’s counterpart of “Nessie” is Champ, a sea monster said to live in New York’s Lake Champlain.




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