

词汇 deadlock
deadlock; wedlock. Though it wasn’t applied to stalemates at political conventions until 1888 in America, deadlock was first used as a term for a complete standstill in Richard Sheridan’s play The Critic (1779), which also gave us the word puffery. Deadlock, for “a springless lock that opens with a key” came lat- er. The O.E.D. suggests that the expression simply employs the word dead in its sense of obsolete, complete. Others have of- fered, without proof, the theory that deadlock comes from the ancient sport of wrestling, where a deadlock hold is one that keeps an opponent immobile indefinitely without forcing him to submit. Holy deadlock as a term for marriage comes from the title of A. P. Herbert’s novel Holy Deadlock (1934), but the idea is anticipated by Byron’s “A wedlock and a padlock mean the same.” The lock in wedlock, however, is not a lock, deriving in- stead from lac, “a gift.”




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