

词汇 grain

grain [ME] The first meaning of grain, which is from Latin granum ‘seed’, also found in granary [L16th], granule [M17th], and granite [M17th] with its grain-like markings was a single seed of a plant. From this developed the idea not only of a seed-like particle such as a grain of sand, salt, or gold but also of an arrangement of fibres that resembles small seeds or grains side by side, such as the ‘grain’ of a piece of wood [M17th]. If something goes against the grain it is contrary to your natural inclination. This, dating from the mid 17th century, comes from carpentry. While grange [ME] is used today for a country house it was originally a barn for grain and comes from medieval Latin granica (villa) ‘grain house’, based on granum. Garner [ME] was originally also a word for a granary, and comes via French from the same source.





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