ballocks (n.)
"testicles," 源自古英语 beallucas,复数形式,来自原始日耳曼语 *ball-, 源自 PIE 词根 *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell."
ballocks 的相关词汇
它构成或部分构成: bale(n.)“准备运输的大捆或包裹的商品”; baleen; ball(n.1)“圆形物体,紧凑的球形体”; balloon; ballot; bawd; bold; bole; boll; bollocks; bollix; boulder; boulevard; bowl(n.)“圆形锅或杯”; bulk; bull(n.1)“雄性牛”; bullock; bulwark; follicle; folly; fool; foosball; full(v.)“踩或敲打布料以清洁或加厚”; ithyphallic; pall-mall; phallus。
它是假设的源头/其存在的证据由以下提供:希腊语 phyllon “叶子”, phallos “肿胀的阴茎”; 拉丁语 flos “花”, florere “开花,繁荣”, folium “叶子”; 古普鲁士语 balsinis “垫子”; 古诺尔斯语 belgr “袋子,风箱”; 古英语 bolla “锅,杯,碗”; 古爱尔兰语 bolgaim “我肿胀”, blath “花,花朵”, bolach “疙瘩”, bolg “袋子”; 布列塔尼语 bolc'h “亚麻荚”; 塞尔维亚语 buljiti “盯着看,眼睛凸出”; 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 blazina “枕头”。
该词根的扩展形式 *bhelgh- “膨胀”,构成或部分构成: bellows; belly; bilge; billow; bolster; budget; bulge; Excalibur; Firbolgs。
该词根的扩展形式 *bhleu- “膨胀,涌出,溢出”,构成或部分构成: affluent; bloat; confluence; effluent; effluvium; efflux; fluctuate; fluent; fluid; flume; fluor; fluorescence; fluoride; fluoro-; flush(v.1)“喷出,突然涌出,带有力量地流动”; fluvial; flux; influence; influenza; influx; mellifluous; phloem; reflux; superfluous。
"圆形物体,紧凑的球体",也指"游戏中使用的球",大约在1200年左右,可能源自未记录的古英语 *beal, *beall(由其小词 bealluc "睾丸"证明),或源自同源的古挪威语 bollr "球",来自原始日耳曼语 *balluz(也是荷兰语 bal,弗拉芒语 bal,古高地德语 ballo,德语 Ball 的来源),来自 PIE 词根 *bhel- (2) "吹,肿胀"。
“睾丸”的含义源自14世纪初(比较 ballocks)。脚的 Ball 源自14世纪中期。"用于战争的圆形导弹"的含义源自14世纪晚期。
"用球玩的游戏"的含义源自14世纪中期。棒球中"没有在击球区内越过本垒板的投球"的含义在1889年左右,可能是 high ball, low ball 等的简称。
Ball-point pen 在1946年左右。Ball of fire 在1821年首次记录时指的是"一杯白兰地"; 作为"极其成功的奋斗者",它在1900年左右得到证实。许多短语来自体育: have the ball "占优势"源自1400年左右。on the ball 源自1912年; keep (one's) eye on the ball 在比喻意义上是在1907年左右,可能最初是在高尔夫上,那里经常重复这个建议。ball in (someone's) court 的比喻用法在1956年左右,源自网球。
The head must necessarily be steady, for it is most important that you should keep your eye fixedly on the ball from the moment that the club-head is lifted from the ground until the ball is actually struck. "Keep your eye on the ball," should be your companion text to "Slow back." [Horace G. Hutchinson, "Hints on the Game of Golf," 1886]
Once a meeting is over, someone will be expected to do something. Make sure it is someone else. This is known as keeping the ball in their court. [Shepherd Mead, "How to Get Rich in TV Without Really Trying," 1956]
一旦会议结束,有人会被期望去 do 某事。确保这个人是别人。这就是所谓的把球扔到他们的球场。[谢泼德·米德,"如何在电视中不费力气就能致富",1956]
- balls
- orchid
- testicle