rede (n.)
"建议,劝告",古英语 ræd "建议,劝告",源自原始日耳曼语 *redin(也指古撒克逊语 rad"建议,劝告,帮助,优势",古弗里斯兰语 red"委员会,建议",荷兰语 raad"建议,劝告",德语 Rat"建议,劝告",古挪威语 rað "建议,考虑,补救,权力; 婚姻"),源自 read(动词),最初的意思是"建议,劝告"。在古英语和早期中古英语中非常常见,17世纪以来逐渐从文学中消失,直到19世纪才在古怪和诗意的用法中重新出现。
The verb read in the already obsolete sense ' counsel, advise,' was much affected by Spenser, and in the early modern and ME. spelling rede which he used has likewise been much affected by his archaizing imitators; but there is no historical ground for a difference in spelling. [Century Dictionary]
动词 read 在已经过时的意义上的"建议,劝告",受到了斯宾塞的影响,在早期现代和中古英语的拼写 rede 也受到了他的古怪模仿者的影响; 但是没有历史根据来区分拼写。[世纪词典]