

词汇 poverty

poverty (n.)

12世纪末, poverte,"贫困,贫穷,需要或物质上的不足",源自古法语 poverte, povrete "贫困,悲惨的状况"(现代法语 pauvreté),源自拉丁语 paupertatem(主格 paupertas)"贫困",源自 pauper "贫穷"(参见 poor(形容词))。

从13世纪初开始,指基督教行为中的故意贫困。从14世纪中叶开始引申为"缺乏,不足"; 指精神上的"谦卑",源自福音书中的"八福"。

Seeing so much poverty everywhere makes me think that God is not rich. He gives the appearance of it, but I suspect some financial difficulties. [Victor Hugo, "Les Misérables," 1862]
到处都看到这么多贫困,让我觉得上帝并不富有。他表面上看起来是这样,但我怀疑他可能有一些经济困难。[维克多·雨果, "Les Misérables," 1862]

Poverty line "维持生活必需的最低收入"可追溯到1891年; poverty trap "收入增加被国家福利减少的情况"来自1966年; poverty-stricken "陷入贫困状态"可追溯到1778年。

Poverty is a strong word, stronger than being poor; want is still stronger, indicating that one has not even the necessaries of life ; indigence is often stronger than want, implying especially, also, the lack of those things to which one has been used and that befit one's station ; penury is poverty that is severe to abjectness ; destitution is the state of having absolutely nothing .... [Century Dictionary]
Poverty 是一个强烈的词,比 being poor 更强烈; want 更强烈,意味着连生活必需品都没有; indigence 通常比贫困更严重,尤其暗示了那些一个人习惯并适合自己身份的东西的缺乏; penury 是指贫困到极度悲惨的状态; destitution 是指完全一无所有的状态.... [世纪词典]
最早记录年份: late 12c.






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