phreak (n.)
1972(也作为动词),最初在 phone phreak 中使用,指一群技术创造力强的人,他们通过电子方式黑客或欺诈当时的电话公司。
The phreaks first appeared on the US scene in the early 1960s, when a group of MIT students were found to have conducted a late night dialling experiment on the Defense Department's secret network. They were rewarded with jobs when they explained their system to Bell investigators. ... The name "phone phreak" identified the enthisiasts with the common underground usage of freak as someone who was cool and used drugs. [New Scientist, Dec. 13, 1973]
ph- 中的 phone 可能暗示了这种变化,这似乎是20世纪90年代以 f- 替换 ph- 时代俚语风潮的起源(如在 phat 中所示)。
最早记录年份: 1972