perfidious (adj.)
"无信仰,卑鄙背叛",来自1590年代的拉丁语 perfidiosus "背叛的",源自 perfidia "不忠诚"(见 perfidy)。相关词汇: Perfidiously; perfidiousness。
The treacherous man either betrays the confidence that is reposed in him, or lures another on to harm by deceitful appearances; as, the treacherous signals of the wrecker. The perfidious man carries treachery to the basest extreme: he betrays acknowledged and accepted obligations, and even the most sacred relationships and claims: as, Benedict Arnold and Judas are types of perfidy. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
treacherous 的人会背叛别人对他的信任,或者通过欺骗性的外表引诱别人受害; 例如,劫船者的 treacherous 信号。perfidious 的人将背叛推向了最卑鄙的极端:他会背叛公认和接受的义务,甚至是最神圣的关系和要求:例如,本尼迪克特·阿诺德和犹大就是 perfidy 的代表。[世纪词典,1895年]
最早记录年份: 1590s