Parnassus (n.)
"诗歌的永恒之地,诗人的家园",14世纪末起, Parnaso,源自意大利,源自拉丁语 Parnassus,源自希腊语 Parnassos, Parnasos,位于希腊中部的山脉,为阿波罗和缪斯所神圣,象征着诗歌。古代资料称其旧名为 Larnassos; Beekes 暗示其源自前希腊语。相关词汇: Parnassian。
Various kinds of literary fame seem destined to various measures of duration. Some spread into exuberance with a very speedy growth, but soon wither and decay; some rise more slowly, but last long. Parnassus has its flowers of transient fragrance, as well as its oaks of towering height, and its laurels of eternal verdure. [Samuel Johnson, "The Rambler," March 23, 1751]
各种文学名声似乎注定有不同的持久度。有些迅速蓬勃发展,但很快就会枯萎凋零; 有些发展较慢,但持久长久。帕纳索斯山上有短暂芬芳的花朵,也有高耸的橡树和永恒的月桂树。[塞缪尔·约翰逊,《漫游者》,1751年3月23日]
最早记录年份: late 14c.