

词汇 orion


一个明显的星座,由七颗明亮的星星以独特的形状组成,14世纪末出现, orioun,最终源自希腊语 OriōnOariōn,希腊神话中一个巨人猎人的名字,被黎明女神爱上,被阿尔忒弥斯杀死,名字的起源不明,尽管有人猜测是阿卡德语 Uru-anna “天堂之光”。

星座的另一个希腊名字是 Kandaon,是战神阿瑞斯的称号,这个星星的形状在许多文化中被描绘成一个巨人(例如古爱尔兰语 Caomai “武装国王”,古诺尔斯语 Orwandil,古撒克逊语 Ebuðrung)。公元前1700年的一份美索不达米亚文献称其为 The True Shepherd of Anu。这个星座所辐射的 Orionid 流星在1876年被如此称呼。

I this day discovered a new particular of my own ignorance of things which I ought to have known these thirty years — One clear morning about a fortnight since I remarked from my bed-chamber window a certain group of stars forming a Constellation which I had not before observed and of which I knew not the name — I marked down their positions on a slip of paper with a view to remember them hereafter and to ascertain what they were — This day on looking into the Abridgment of La Lande's Astronomy, one of the first figures that struck my eye in the plates was that identical Constellation — It was Orion — That I should have lived nearly fifty years without knowing him, shews too clearly what sort of observer I have been. [John Quincy Adams, diary entry for Nov. 18, 1813, St. Petersburg, Russia]
最早记录年份: late 14c.






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