Malthusian (n.)
1812年(n.) “英国经济学家托马斯 R. Malthus (1766-1835)的追随者”,尤其是关于他在他的匿名出版的《人口原理》(1798)中提出的教义。
In this work he first made prominent the fact that population, unless hindered by positive checks, as wars, famines, etc., or by preventive checks, as social customs that prevent early marriage, tends to increase at a higher rate than the means of subsistence can, under the most favorable circumstances, be made to increase. As a remedy he advocated the principle that society should aim to diminish the sum of vice and misery, and check the growth of population, by the discouragement of early and improvident marriages, and by the practice of moral self-restraint. [Century Dictionary]
作为一个形容词,指“与马尔萨斯有关”,由1818年开始使用。相关: Malthusianism “人口与生计手段的关系理论”(1825)。这个姓氏最早可以追溯到13世纪晚期,可能意味着“麦芽酒厂的工人”。
最早记录年份: 1812