hiker (n.)
1908年,动词 hike 的代词名词。早期指一种船:
The "hiker" or "tuck-up" as it is more generally termed, is a craft peculiar to the Delaware River, and is to the youth residing along the banks of that stream what the racing shell is to the Torontonian .... The origin of the name "hiker" is veiled in mystery. No member of the clubs engaged in sailing these boats can give anything like a satisfactory derivation of the word. The most common explanation is that it is corrupted from the local verb "to hike," which means to run or fly swiftly. ["Harper's Young People," 1885]
“Hiker”或“Tuck-up”是特有于特拉华河的一种船,对于居住在河岸边的青年来说,它就像是多伦多人的赛艇一样……“Hiker”这个名字的起源充满了神秘色彩。这些驾驶这些船只的俱乐部成员中没有人能够给出一个令人满意的词源。最常见的解释是它是从当地的动词“to hike”(意为快速奔跑或飞奔)中演变而来的。[“哈珀少年人”,1885年]
最早记录年份: 1908