gourmand (n.)
15世纪晚期, gourmaunt,“贪吃者”,源自法语 gormant “贪吃的”,原本是一个形容词,“贪吃的”,一个起源不确定的词。不认为它与 gourmet 有关。意思是“喜欢美食的人”来自1758年。
The gourmand is one whose chief pleasure is eating; but a gourmet is a connoisseur of food and wines. In England the difference is this: a gourmand regards quantity more than quality, a gourmet quality more than quantity. [Brewer, "Dictionary of Phrase and Fable," Philadelphia, 1898]
gourmand 是那些最喜欢吃的人; 但 gourmet 是食品和葡萄酒的鉴赏家。在英国,区别在于: gourmand 更注重数量而不是质量, gourmet 更注重质量而不是数量。[Brewer,“Dictionary of Phrase and Fable”,费城,1898]
最早记录年份: late 15c.