

词汇 friar

friar (n.)

"教会中的行乞修道会成员",13世纪晚期,来自古法语 frere "兄弟,修士"(9世纪,现代法语 frère),最初指行乞修道会(方济各会、奥斯定会、多明我会、加尔默罗会),他们于13世纪初到达英格兰,来自拉丁语 frater "兄弟"(来自 PIE 词根 *bhrater- "兄弟")。也有一般用法,指"兄弟,朋友,同志"(约1300年)。

By the word [friar] is meant a member of one of the mendicant orders, i.e. those living entirely on alms, especially the 'four orders' of Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, & Augustinian Hermits. [Monk] is used sometimes of all male members of religious orders including friars, but properly excludes the mendicants. In the latter case the general distinction is that while the monk belongs essentially to his particular monastery, & his object is to make a good man of himself, the friar's sphere of work is outside, & his object is to do a good work among the people. [Fowler]
单词[ friar ]的意思是指行乞修道会的成员,即那些完全靠施舍生活的人,特别是方济各会、多明我会、加尔默罗会和奥斯定会修士。[ Monk ]有时用于所有男性修会成员,包括修士,但正确的做法是排除行乞修道会成员。在后一种情况下,一般的区别是,虽然修士本质上属于他的特定修道院,他的目标是使自己成为一个好人,而修道士的工作范围是在外面,他的目标是在人民中做好事。[福勒]
最早记录年份: late 13c.






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