destine (v.)
14世纪中叶, destinen,意为“分离、指定或任命使用”,源自12世纪的古法语 destiner,源自拉丁语 destinare,意为“使牢固或稳定,建立”,由 de-(完全,正式,参见 de-)和 -stinare(与 stare “站立”有关)组成,源自 PIE *steno-,是 *sta- “站立,使或保持稳定”的带后缀的形式。
最初在英语中用于描述神灵、命运等的行动; 对于人类的选择或行动,“预先确定,如神圣的旨意”,自16世纪初开始使用。相关词汇: Destined。
destine 的相关词汇
在英语中,活跃的构词成分,许多动词源自法语和拉丁语,来自拉丁语 de"向下,从下,从,离开; 关于"(见 de),在拉丁语中也用作前缀,通常表示 "向下,离开,远离,从中间,从下面",但也表示 "到底部,完全",因此在许多英语单词中表示 "完全"(强调或完成),作为其意义。
作为拉丁语前缀,它还具有撤销或反转动词动作的功能,因此它被用作纯否定词 - "不,相反,撤销" - 这是它作为英语中活跃前缀的主要功能,例如 defrost(1895), defuse(1943), de-escalate(1964)等。在某些情况下,它是 dis- 的缩写形式。
它构成了以下词汇全称或部分: Afghanistan; Anastasia; apostasy; apostate; armistice; arrest; assist; astatic; astatine; Baluchistan; bedstead; circumstance; consist; constable; constant; constitute; contrast; cost; desist; destination; destine; destitute; diastase; distance; distant; ecstasy; epistasis; epistemology; establish; estaminet; estate; etagere; existence; extant; Hindustan; histidine; histo-; histogram; histology; histone; hypostasis; insist; instant; instauration; institute; interstice; isostasy; isostatic; Kazakhstan; metastasis; obstacle; obstetric; obstinate; oust; Pakistan; peristyle; persist; post(n.1)“竖立的木材”; press(v.2)“强制使用”; presto; prostate; prostitute; resist; rest(v.2)“剩下,停留”; restitution; restive; restore; shtetl; solstice; stable(adj.)“防止倒塌”; stable(n.)“家畜笼舍”; stage; stalag; stalwart; stamen; -stan; stance; stanchion; stand; standard; stanza; stapes; starboard; stare decisis; stasis; -stat; stat; state(n.1)“情况,条件”; stater; static; station; statistics; stator; statue; stature; status; statute; staunch; (adj.)“强壮的,结实的”; stay(v.1)“停下,留在原地”; stay(n.2)“支撑船桅的强绳”; stead; steed; steer(n.)“肉牛”; steer(v.)“引导车辆的路线”; stem(n.)“植物的主干”; stern(n.)“船的尾部”; stet; stoa; stoic; stool; store; stound; stow; stud(n.1)“钉头,按钮”; stud(n.2)“用于繁殖的马”; stylite; subsist; substance; substitute; substitution; superstition; system; Taurus; understand。
它是以下词汇的假定来源/其存在的证据由以下事实提供:梵文 tisthati “静止”; 阿维斯塔语 histaiti “站立”; 波斯語 -stan “国家”,意为“一个人站的地方”; 希腊语 histēmi “放置,安放,使站着; 称重”, stasis “静止”, statos “放置”, stylos “支柱”; 拉丁语 sistere “静止,停止,使静止,放置,出庭”, status “方式,位置,状态,态度”, stare “立着”, statio “位置,岗位”,立陶宛语 stojuos “I 放置自己”, statau “I 放置”; Old Church Slavonic staja “放置自己”, stanu “位置”; 哥特语 standan,古英语 standan “站着”, stede “放置”; 古挪威语 steði “铁砧”; 古爱尔兰语 sessam “站立的行为”。
14世纪中叶, predestinacioun,“上帝通过恩典预先命定某些人类获得救赎或永生的行动”,源自古法语 predestinacion,直接源自教会拉丁语 praedestinationem(主格 praedestinatio)“预先决定”,动作名词,来自拉丁语 praedestinare “预先设定目标; 预先任命或决定”,来自拉丁语 prae “之前”(参见 pre-) + destinare “任命,决定”(参见 destine(v.))。
这个拉丁词最初是由奥古斯丁在神学意义上使用的; 由加尔文引起了重视。相关: Predestinarian “相信预定教义的人”(1660年代)。
Predestination to Life is the everlasting purpose of God, whereby (before the foundations of the world were laid) he hath constantly decreed by his counsel secret to us, to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them by Christ to everlasting salvation, as vessels made to honour. Wherefore, they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to God's purpose by his Spirit working in due season: they through Grace obey the calling: they be justified freely: they be made sons of God by adoption: they be made like the image of his onlybegotten Son Jesus Christ: they walk religiously in good works, and at length, by God's mercy, they attain to everlasting felicity. [From article xvii of the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England]