credulous (adj.)
"易于相信的,对信仰不加批判的",1570年代,源自拉丁语 credulus "易于相信的,信任的",源自 credere "相信"(参见 credo)。相关词汇: Credulously; credulousness。
Alas, my Friends, credulous incredulity is a strange matter. But when a whole Nation is smitten with Suspicion, ... what help is there? Such Nation is already a mere hypochondriac bundle of diseases; as good as changed into glass; atrabiliar, decadent; and will suffer crises. Is not Suspicion itself the one thing to be suspected, as Montaigne feared only fear? [Carlyle, "French Revolution"]
唉,我的朋友们,轻信的怀疑是一件奇怪的事情。但当整个国家充满怀疑时,还有什么帮助呢?这样的国家已经成为了一堆疾病的偏执狂; 就像变成了玻璃一样; 忧郁的,衰落的; 并将遭受危机。难道怀疑本身不是唯一需要怀疑的事情吗?正如蒙田只害怕恐惧一样?[卡莱尔,《法国革命》]
最早记录年份: 1570s