contralto (n.)
"女高音和男高音之间的声音中介,最低的女声",1730年, contralt,源自意大利 contralto,,源自 contr a,源自拉丁语 contra "相反的,对立的"(见 contra)+ alto(见 alto)。作为"拥有女低音声音的人",1776年; 作为形容词,1769年。
In medieval music, in which the melody was either in a middle voice or passed from one voice to another, and which utilized only male singers, the upper voice was naturally called altus. As music for mixed voices developed, that female voice which was nearest the altus, and thus most contrasted with it, was called contr' alto. [Century Dictionary]
在 medieval music 中,旋律要么在中音中,要么从一种声音传递到另一种声音,只使用男性歌手,上声自然被称为 altus。随着混声音乐的发展,与 altus 音部最接近且最对比的女声被称为 contr' alto。[世纪词典]
最早记录年份: 1730