changing (n.)
“alteration”早在13世纪即有使用; “替代行为”则在14世纪中期出现; 这个动词的名词化形式源于 change (v.)。 Changing-room 最早是在1852年,最初用于矿工、火药厂工人等。
[A]lso not any fires or smoking are to be allowed ; and, under no pretense whatsoever, is any lucifer match to be permitted on board ; and, to guard against the infringement of this order, the clothes with pockets in them are to be taken off in changing room, or examined before beginning the work. [from British navy regulations for loading and storing gunpowder, Office of Ordnance, June 5, 1852]
“不允许发生火灾或吸烟; 无论如何,不允许在船上使用任何一种火柴; 为了防止违反这项规定,有口袋的衣服必须在更衣室里脱掉或者在开始工作之前进行检查。”(摘自1852年6月5日的英国海军火药装载和贮存规定,军械处)
最早记录年份: early 13c.