catch-phrase (n.)
也称作 catchphrase,“习惯而又反复的短语”,始见于1837年,源自 catch(动词)和 phrase(名词)。概念是指那些会“牢记并传播”的词语(类比于 catchword,早期使用的一个词; 还可参考 catchy)。最初出现在政治语境中,也可用于流行的戏剧台词。
This new experiment consists in a "divorce of bank and State." This is a mere catch-phrase, which was originally introduced by artful and designing politicians to impose upon the credulity and honesty of the people. Many have adopted it without reflecting or inquiring as to its import, or its consequences. [Sen. Talmage (Georgia), U.S. Senate debate on the Sub-Treasury Bill, Sept. 22, 1837]
In political or partisan squibs, the introduction of such phrases may be properly allowed, though sparingly ; for they are most undoubtedly a species of ornament that soon nauseates upon repetition. There is a still lower species of "slang," consisting of the "catch phrase of the day," in great vogue among the gods at the minor theatres, that we only mention to reprobate entirely ; and which, as common sense is no ingredient in its concoction, is as destitute of energy as it is abhorrent to a cultivated ear. ["T.A.," "Guide for the Writing-Desk; or, Young Author's and Secretary's Friend," etc., London, 1846]
在政治或党派性的攻击中,这些词语的引入可以得到适度的认可,但是请注意使用次数; 因为他们无疑是一种装饰,但过度地使用会欠缺新意。还有一种更低级的“俚语”,即“当天的流行语”,在小剧场中很流行,但我们完全反对; 因为它的制作中缺乏常识,所以缺乏冲击力,同时也无法打动有修养的听众。["T.A.", "写作指南; 或者,年轻作家和秘书的朋友"等书,伦敦,1846年]
最早记录年份: 1837