carousel (n.)
1640年代,"骑士在战车或骑马上进行的嬉戏比赛,称为 carrousel",源自法语 carrousel "一场骑士比赛",源自意大利 carusiello,可能源自 carro "战车",源自拉丁语 carrus "双轮马车"(参见 car)。现代意义上的"旋转木马"作为一种游乐设施,始于1895年,尽管早些时候就有这样的暗示:
A new and rare invencon knowne by the name of the royalle carousell or tournament being framed and contrived with such engines as will not only afford great pleasure to us and our nobility in the sight thereof, but sufficient instruction to all such ingenious young gentlemen as desire to learne the art of perfect horsemanshipp. [letter of 1673]
最早记录年份: 1640s