turd (n.)
古英语 tord"一块粪便",源自原始日耳曼语 *turdam(也指荷兰中古语 torde"一块粪便",古挪威语 tord-yfill,荷兰语 tort-wevel "蜣螂"),源自原始印欧语 *drtom,是动词根 *der- 的过去分词,意为"分裂、剥皮、削皮",因此指"从身体上分离("撕下")的东西"(比较 shit(动词)源自意为"分裂"的词根; 希腊语 skatos 源自意为"切断"的词根; 参见 scatology)。作为一种毫无价值和卑鄙的东西,它最早见于13世纪中叶。意为"卑鄙的人"的用法最早见于15世纪中叶。
A tord ne yeue ic for eu alle ["The Owl and the Nightingale," c. 1250]
Alle thingis ... I deme as toordis, that I wynne Crist. [Wycliffe, Philippians iii.8, 1382; KJV has "I count all things ... but dung, that I may win Christ"]