

词汇 spondee

spondee (n.)

“由两个长音节组成的韵脚”,14世纪晚期,源自14世纪晚期的古法语 spondee,源自拉丁语 spondeus,源自希腊语 spondeios (pous),最初用于伴奏酒神赞歌的韵律,源自 spondē 的“庄严的奠酒仪式,献酒”,与 spendein 的“献酒”的词根 PIE *spend- “作奉献”,因此“通过仪式行为使自己参与其中”(也是拉丁文 spondere “承诺”的来源,赫梯文 shipantahhi “我献祭,我牺牲”)。相关联的有 Spondaic,用于诗歌中的诗句,由 spondees  (1722)组成; spondaical(约1600年); 普滕汉姆(1589)有 spondiac

And [the spondee] has the perpetual authority of correspondence with the deliberate pace of Man, and expression of his noblest animal character in erect and thoughtful motion : all the rhythmic art of poetry having thus primary regard to the great human noblesse of walking on feet ; and by no means referring itself to any other manner of progress by help either of stilts or steam. [John Ruskin, "Elements of English Prosody, for use in St. George's Schools," 1880]
最早记录年份: late 14c.






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