

词汇 benedictine
Benedictine; Benedictines. Many famous drinks treated in these pages—champagne, coffee, chianti, mocha, scotch, selt- zer, and Vichy water—are named after places, but the celebrated liqueur Benedictine is named for the monastery of a famous re- ligious brotherhood. The particular monk who concocted the drink was one Don Bernardo Vincelli, a man whom the medi- eval archbishop of Rouen declared as important to humanity as any saint for his inspiration. Benedictine, one of the oldest li- quors in the world, was first made at the Benedictine monas- tery at Fecamp, France in about 1510. Called Benedictine in honor of the order, its makers dedicated it “to the greater glory of God.” Though the monastery was destroyed during the French Revolution, monks managed to save the secret formula, and 50 years later a Frenchman named Le Grand began manu- facturing Benedictine, his distillery still standing on the site of the abbey. Le Grand labeled each bottle D.O.M., which are the initials of the order’s motto and stand for Deo optimo maximo, “for the most good and great God.”




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