

词汇 simony
simony. There is a legend that Simon Magus the magician tried to prove his divinity in a dispute with Peter and Paul be- fore the emperor Nero. He attempted to fly up to heaven after jumping out a high window, succeeded in defying the laws of gravity for a few moments, and then found himself cast down to earth by the prayers of the disciples. Simon Magus, who lived in the first century in Samaria, was a skilled magician, his last name, in fact, meaning sorcerer. The story of his con- version to Christianity is told in the Bible (Acts 8:9–24), but the passage instructs us that Simon’s conversion was made only so that he could obtain the new powers of sorcery that he thought the apostles possessed. Simon’s name, in the form of simony, has since been a synonym for traffic in sacred things, such as the buying and selling of church offices, a simoniac being one who practices simony. Not much is known of Si- mon after he was reproached by Peter, but it is believed that he founded a rival religion, a Gnostic sect combining ele- ments of Christianity and paganism, traveling with a former prostitute named Helen and winning a number of disciples called Simonians. The traditional belief is that the wily magi- cian died trying to prove his divinity when he attempted to imitate the resurrection of Christ. Simon, it seems, allowed himself to be buried alive, mistakenly believing that he would rise on the third day.




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